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George Sullivan opnieuw onder vergrootglas na nieuwe positieve USADA test

January 27th, 2017 | by Marcel Dorff

Opnieuw is UFC Welterweight vechter George Sullivan positief getest bij een out-of-competition test door USADA. Sullivan was tot 31 Januari 2017 geschorst in verband met een eerdere positieve test. De UFC had Sullivan wel al ingepland voor begin Februari te vechten tijdens UFC 208 tegen Randy Brown. De UFC heeft besloten om Sullivan van dat gevecht af te halen.

Het officiële UFC Statement luidt :

“The UFC organization was formally notified today that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has informed George Sullivan of a potential Anti-Doping Policy violation stemming from an out-of-competition sample collection taken on January 14, 2017.

Sullivan is currently serving a one year suspension under the UFC Anti-Doping Program, for his use of a product containing the prohibited substance Insulin Growth Factor -1 (IGF-1).  Sullivan was due to end his current suspension on January 31, 2017, and compete on the UFC 208 card in Brooklyn, New York, against Randy Brown.  However, USADA has provisionally suspended Sullivan based on the new potential anti-doping violation, and the UFC has removed Sullivan from the UFC 208 card.  The UFC is currently seeking a replacement to face Randy Brown.

USADA, the independent administrator of the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, will handle the results management and appropriate adjudication of this case. It is important to note that, under the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, there is a full fair legal review process that is afforded to all athletes before any sanctions are imposed.

Consistent with all previous potential anti-doping violations, additional information or UFC statements will be provided at the appropriate time as the process moves forward.”

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