De Amerikaanse judoka draait al enige tijd mee als commentator in de Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) wereld, maar zal dit jaar haar debuut maken op het canvas. In gesprek met Ariel Helwani tijdens The MMA Hour vertelde ze over haar toekomstplannen en debuut tijdens Professional Fighters League op 21 juni in het Chicago Theater van Chicago.
Harrison werd in 2010 de wereldkampioen in Tokio, Japan door de Braziliaanse Mayra Aguiar in de finale te verslaan. In haar loopbaan won tijdens de Olympische spelen in 2012 en 2016 de gouden medaille. Daarnaast heeft ze kampioen bij de Pan American Games en Pan American Judo Championships.
Harrison over haar MMA debuut: ““I’ve been waiting for a long time to fight. First, it was just me, I wanted to get my feet wet, get in there, see if I liked getting punched in the face and now that I’ve established that I do, we’ve sort of been waiting for the PFL to get their stuff together. Their stuff is together. Their first card is June 7 at Madison Square Garden, so I’m going to fight on the second card. June 21 in Chicago.”
Ze heeft een bezoek gebracht bij de American Top Team om kennis te maken met de sport: “I went down to American Top Team to train for a week and it was the first time really since I started doing MMA that I just felt like, ‘Okay, this is where I belong. This is what I’m meant to be doing. I felt like I was making progress everyday. And the practices were hard, there are so many people on the mat, the coaching staff is so professional and I’m there with two of the best girls in the world training there every single day.”
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Ronda Rousey was altijd een grote inspiratie voor haar: “I think for me, having someone like Amanda and Joanna, who are both such superstars — when I was younger I had Ronda. And I was always watching Ronda and they always gave Ronda all the attention and I was like, ‘I want that. I want to be the superstar. I want to be the golden girl. So having actual people in front of me who I can look at every day and say, ‘That’s where I want to be,’ is a really positive thing for me.”
De Professional Fighters League is de nakomer van de World Series of Fighting. Deze promotie ging verder onder een andere naam en schrapte alle kampioenen. De organisatie zal op 7 juni 2018 zijn debuut maken in de Hulu Theater van de Madison Square Garden in New York City. Daarna reist de promotie af naar onder andere Washtington D.C, Uniondale, Atlantic City en Chicago.
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